The New IFB Gets Political
On August 16, 2009, Steven Anderson preached a sermon titled, “Why I Hate Barack Obama,”1 during which he stated, “Barack Obama’s coming to town tomorrow morning. … And I’m gonna tell you something, I hate Barack Obama. You say, ‘you mean you just don’t like what he stands for.’ No! I hate the person! You say, “oh you just don’t like his policies.’ No! I hate him! Now, I’m gonna prove from the Bible tonight why I should hate Barack Obama, why God wants me to hate Barack Obama! Why God hates Barack Obama!” Anderson then attempts to justify his words by twisting Psalm 58 and other passages. He claims that because Obama approves of abortion, which sometimes uses a saline solution which Anderson claims causes an unborn baby to melt just as salt makes a snail melt, Obama is a reprobate beyond salvation and worthy of death and eternal damnation. I guess he expects people to ignore that salt does not melt babies and snails. It kills them yes, but it does not melt them. Perhaps he is employing some dramatic license. Of course, that would mean he is intentionally distorting the text of Scripture, but we’ll overlook that for the moment lest we find ourselves running down that rabbit trail.
Anderson continues, “Let me tell you something. I don’t love Barack Obama. I don’t respect Barack Obama. I don’t obey Barack Obama, and I’d like to see Barack Obama melt like a snail tonight. Because he needs to recompense. He needs to reap what he’s sown. Any Christian will tell you that someone who commits murder should get the death penalty. Because that’s what it says in Genesis chapter nine, that’s what it says in the Mosaic Law, that’s what it teaches throughout the Bible. ‘Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God created he man.’
Of course, this isn’t word for word from Genesis 9:6, as Anderson added the word “created,” but again, let’s set his distortion of the text aside for a moment. He goes on, “And when Barack Obama is gonna push his partial birth abortion, his salty saline solution abortion, hey, he deserves to be punished for what he’s done, and I’m not gonna pray for God to bless Barack Obama, this is my prayer tonight for Barack Obama. You see, your prayer is never more right than when you pray God’s word. I don’t know if you know this, but many times I like to pray God’s word. … If somebody is gonna twist my arm behind my back and tell me pray for Barack Obama, this is what I’m gonna pray, because this is the only prayer that applies to him: ‘break his teeth O God, in his mouth! You know, as a snail which melteth, let him pass away like the untimely birth of a woman, that he thinks, he calls it a woman’s right to choose, you know, he thinks it’s so wonderful, he oughta be aborted! It oughta be Abort Obama! It oughta be the motto.”
Okay, let’s stop for just a moment to point out the obvious. Did Barack Obama kill someone? Or did he make it legal to kill someone? There is an important distinction here. Yes, what Obama did was certainly evil, and he will likely face punishment at the great white throne judgment for what he has done. But let’s not use that fact as justification for distorting other facts. If Anderson is going to hold people guilty for the sinful and criminal actions of others simply because they provided the possibility for them to engage in those sinful and criminal actions; then he is also going to have hold every Walmart that sells sharp knives accountable for the actions of those who stab people to death. He is going to have to hold every sporting goods store that sells firearms accountable for the actions of those who shoot people. Do you see the logic (or lack of logic) in Anderson’s thinking?
Anderson continues, “Look, people who are bloody and violent are evil people. I mean, do you love Adolph Hitler? Do you love Joseph Stalin? Do you love Mao Tse Tung? Do you love these evil sadistic butchers of history? No! If you were to meet Jeffrey Dahmer in real life, if you were to meet John Wayne Gacy, or if Adolph Hitler could come back from the dead and be in church, I’m sure you’d go and shake his hand and tell him it’s good to have you. No! The Bible said in Hosea 9:14, ‘Throw them out of the congregation of the Lord, I will love them no more!’2 Violent, bloody, wicked people, He’s sayin’ get them away from me!” … “Barack Obama is one of the rulers of the darkness of this world.” … “He’s a Pentecostal Charimatic. Didn’t you see his pastor wearing a dress? Woooooooo!” … “and yet you’re gonna tell me that I’m supposed to pray for the socialist devil, murderer, infanticide, who wants to see young children, and he wants to see babies killed through abortion and partial birth and all these other things, and you’re gonna tell me I supposed to pray that God would give him a good lunch tomorrow while he’s in Phoenix, Arizona. Nope. I’m not gonna pray for his good. I’m gonna pray that he dies and goes to hell. When I go to bed tonight, that’s how I’m gonna pray. And you say, ‘are you just sayin’ that?’ No. When I go to bed tonight Steven L. Anderson is gonna pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell.”
Okay, we have to stop once again and look at what Anderson has said here. First, his comparing Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, who actually ordered the deaths of millions of people, to Barack Obama who made it possible for those who want to kill babies to be able to do so legally. Then he compares Obama to Dahmer and Gacy who actually did the killing themselves. Again, did Barack Obama actually plunge a knife into someone, or inject a baby with saline? Did he actually kill someone? No, of course not. Nor did he order anyone to kill babies or anyone else.
Then Anderson quotes Hosea 9:14. Or at least he claims he is quoting Hosea 9:14. Only he isn’t. Just as he twists the Scriptures noted above, he really misquotes this passage. He quotes Hosea 9:14 as, “Throw them out of the congregation of the Lord, I will love them no more!” Which sounds good, and sounds like it supports what he is saying. But the passage actually states, “Give them, O Lord: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.” Not even close, is it?
What he is trying to quote, but still doesn’t get right, is Hosea 9:15, which states, “All their wickedness is in Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters.” This passage is speaking about the Assyrian conquer of Israel, which was brought about by God because of Israel’s gross immorality and idolatry. This isn’t even remotely supportive of what Anderson is teaching. What’s more, Israel was brought back. So, if Anderson is comparing Obama to Israel, he must then believe that God caused Obama to do this as punishment for Obama’s immorality and idolatry, and that Obama can be brought back as well. But that conflicts with Anderson’s earlier statement that Obama was a reprobate beyond salvation! There is nothing in this passage of Scripture, or any passage of Scripture, that supports Anderson railing against Barack Obama.
Anderson then goes on in his sermon, ranting and railing about how unjust war is, and how wrong it is to pay taxes, and reciting Declaration of Independence at the top of his lungs. He goes from preaching what is supposed to be the Bible (but obviously isn’t), to releasing his inner “True Born Sons of Liberty” persona (an anti-government “Tea Party”/Militia/Sovereign Citizen/“Patriot” style organization founded by Steven Anderson in the early 2000’s). Anderson begins screaming, “We are not revolutionaries, we’re not trying to overthrow the government. We are counter-revolutionaries, because the revolution is what’s going on right there in Phoenix at 8am tomorrow where Obama is overturning the Constitution. Overturning the Declaration of Independence. Overturning everything we believe as a country. Overturning two hundred and some years of history. He is the revolutionary, and it’s a socialist, communist revolution. We are the counter-revolutionary's saying, NO! We don’t want change! We want to go back to the way it was started! A country under God! A free country! A country of liberty and justice for all! Anybody, everyone, whatever their race, whatever their citizenship, HEY! They’re BORN with liberty! Created with liberty! The government doesn’t give us our liberty, the government is only supposed to protect our liberty. Our liberty comes from God.”
Anderson goes on, “So I hope tonight you understand why I hate Barack Obama. Don’t tell me to love him, don’t tell me how I’m to love him, I’m a loving guy. … And you know what, God does not love the pedophile, and the rapist, and the bloody and deceitful worker of iniquity. He said He hates ’em. And I believe the Bible, that He hates them. I believe God looks down and says, ‘Man, I hate that guy.’ You say, ‘Well, why is he in office?’ Because you know what? God allows this world to run its course. I mean, He’s not up there..if He were it’d be a much better place. One day He will. It’s called the millennium, when Jesus will rule this world. ‘Oh Jesus’ up on His throne, everything’s okay.’ When His throne is on this earth, everything will be okay. A thousand years of peace. No blood will be shed during that thousand years. It’s going to be a peaceful time on this earth. Even the lion will lay down with the lamb. Even the animal kingdom will not destroy one another. It’s gonna be a wonderful time. But today there is spiritual wickedness in high places. Now, I’m preaching against Barack Obama, it’s not all him. But he is just the tip of the sword, okay? He is the figurehead of spiritual wickedness in high places. And he’s comin’ to Arizona tomorrow. Don’t go there and scream and cheer for him. I know people are planning on it. Don’t go there and get a tear in the eye. No, go to the prayer closet and get a tear in the eye for our country. And if I go there, which I’m not ’cause I’m busy tomorrow, but if I went there I’d be there to say ‘Down with Obama!” okay? You know, I’d be down there protesting Obama and all. But I’m not really a protest kind of guy. I’m a preacher. And so I’m preaching to you what the Bible teaches tonight. Take it and let it sink down into your ears.”3
In less than 24-hours it became very clear that at least one person in his congregation let that sink down into his ears. Chris Broughton, one of Anderson’s followers and a member of his church, arrived at Obama’s appearance with a fully loaded AR-15 slung over his shoulder and a loaded semi-automatic handgun prominently displayed on his hip. Prior to this, another so-called “Patriot”, William Kostric, showed up at a similar Obama health care rally in New Hampshire. What’s the connection you may ask? Both Kostric and Broughton are members of the Arizona chapter of “We the People,” an anti-government “Tea Party”/Militia/Sovereign Citizen/“Patriot” style organization similar to Anderson’s “True Born Sons of Liberty” (Kostric had moved to New Hampshire by the time Broughton attended the Arizona rally).4
In July 2009, just one month prior to his “I Hate Barack Obama” rant sermon, Anderson was at a “Tea Party” rally in Gilbert, Arizona where he spoke to hundreds of Chris Broughton’s and William Kostric’s, telling them about how he has spilled his blood for the liberty of America (neglecting to mention that he brought it upon himself by both breaking the law and violating Scripture in the process), and that the government, specifically Barack Obama, was the enemy and must be stood up to.5
Anderson also has a connection to the Arizona chapter of the We the People organization, the same organization Chris Broughton has admitted belonging to, and which William Kostric is known to have belonged to. In April 2009, just months before Anderson’s infamous Obama sermon and his attendance at a “Tea Party” rally, he was involved (at his instigation) in an incident involving the Border Patrol and Arizona DPS officers. Prior to this incident, Anderson had a long history of intentionally baiting Border Patrol and law enforcement officers and hindering from doing their job at legal check points. He would purposely attract the attention of these officers when arriving at a check point, knowing full well they would react by pulling him over to check his driver’s license, and so forth. Anderson admits he had been doing this for months prior to the incident where he was tazed, and he also has numerous videos posted to his YouTube channel documenting this long term pattern of doing this.6
When pulled over, however, Anderson would begin to refuse to comply with their requests, ostensibly standing up for his Constitutional rights. In other words, he made an issue out of a non-issue. This is typical behavior for those involved in the “Tea Party”/Militia/Sovereign Citizen/“Patriot” type movements. Create a situation, become involved in the situation, push law enforcement to react, and then when they do react, scream as loud as possible that they are being victimized by bully boy police. And this is exactly what Steven Anderson did in April 2009. After repeatedly baiting the Border Patrol and other Law Enforcement officers, hoping they would react, in April 2009 they finally did, and almost immediately out came the victim card; and also almost immediately, Anderson began making the rounds among various “Patriot” groups, telling the story of how he has shed his blood standing up for the United States Constitution, and encouraging others to do the same.7
After his arrest and being charged, Anderson engaged the services of Marc J. Victor, and attorney who specializes in these types of cases, and who is also connected to the We the People group that Chris Broughton is connected to. Victor is connected through a man by the name of Ernest Hancock, the founder of the Freedom’s Phoenix organization.114 Previously, Victor had helped a young man by the name of Jason Shelton, who uses the pseudonym Shelton Obadiah and goes by “4409” on YouTube. Anderson at one time had many of Obadiah’s videos in his favorite video list, all of them revolving around one subject – you guessed it, how to incite the police during stops and at check points.115 Anderson has since made those videos either private or removed them altogether from his YouTube channel.
It was Ernest Hancock who proudly exclaimed in a broadcast interview with Anderson that he would be ensuring Anderson received the best legal representation during his impending court case. That legal representation was Marc Victor.116 Hancock himself is affiliated with the We the People organization8, the same “counter-revolutionary” organization Anderson’s congregant, Chris Broughton, and also William Kostric are affiliated with. So for Broughton to say Anderson had no influence on him when he decided to openly bear loaded semi-automatic firearms to a Barack Obama rally is far-fetched to say the least.
Anderson was clear when he stated that “God hates Barack Obama” and that he hates Barack Obama, and that Obama hates God. Something one of his congregants parroted when he said, “I hate people that hate God.” Broughton, however, claims Anderson’s hate message was the motivation for his attending the Obama rally armed to the teeth.
Broughton told a reporter with the Arizona Republic, “I want attention brought to the ideas that I espouse. … I don't think the political process works anymore. It is done. . . . This government is the most corrupt Mafioso on the face of the Earth. … It's as simple as this. The people who support government, the ones who like government, they are using government like a weapon. The government continues to take over more and more things.” Broughton went on, however, to tell the Associated Press that he “absolutely” agreed with Anderson’s anti-Obama sentiments, and that he wanted Obama to die.9 Scary stuff, even ten years after the incident. Primarily because Steven Anderson and his New IFB is still preaching hate.
Christopher Broughton’s armed to the teeth mentality is not limited to presidential rallies by the way. It has been reported that he sometimes brings his AR-15 with him to worship at Anderson’s Faithful Word Baptist Church. While the average person might think this is unusual, for Anderson’s church it is standard operating procedure. You see, Anderson encourages it. In fact, in December 2014, he preached from the pulpit that “every Christian should own a weapon” and in November 2017 he explained in a YouTube video (taken from one of his many violence advocating sermons, that he not only allows, but encourages his congregants to be armed with a firearm when in attendance at his church, treating both the open and concealed carrying of firearms almost as if they were sacraments in his church.10
Part 3g Sources:
1. Why I Hate Barack Obama
Steven Anderson
August 16, 2009, Sunday PM service
Note: the video has been removed from YouTube. The mp3 is, as of this date, still available on the Faithful Word website, and has been downloaded from there.
Accessed 23 September 2019
2. Ibid
3. Ibid
4. Steven Anderson Flips Out, Admits Business and Church Share an Address, Says He's Been Contacted by U.S. Secret Service (w/Update)
Stephen Lemons | September 6, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
'I Hate Obama' Pastor Draws Protesters Outside Church
By Jennifer Riley, Christian Post Reporter | Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Christopher Broughton's Pastor Steven Anderson Prays for President Barack Obama's Death
Stephen Lemons | August 26, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Protesters Rally Against Pastor's 'Why I Hate Obama' Sermon
By Susan Donaldson James | Sept. 7, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
AR-15 Chris Broughton on the Alex Jones show - August 20th 2009
MP3 of live radio show with Alex Jones
Accessed 23 September 2019
Update on protestor with assault rifle at Obama event in Phoenix
Posted by AzBlueMeanie, August 22, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Gun-Toter From Obama Event: I, Like My Pastor, Want The President To Die
By Justin Elliott | August 31, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
5. Gilbert Arizona Tea Party - Pastor Steven L Anderson Speaks AZ
Published on Jul 4, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
7/6/09 Broadcast "Tea Party Speech Part 1 (Gilbert AZ)"
Steven Anderson
Published on Jul 4, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
7/7/09 Broadcast "Tea Party Speech Part 2 (Gilbert AZ)"
Steven Anderson
Published on Jul 15, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
7/8/09 Broadcast "Phoenix Tea Party Speech on July 4 AZ"
Steven Anderson
Published on Jul 15, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
6. Pastor Tased and "Beaten" at Checkpoint Plans to Sue; Admits He's Been Resisting at Checkpoints for Months
Ray Stern | April 17, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
I knew something was wrong, but I had no idea...
Henry Porter, Thursday April 16, 2009,-but-I-had-no-idea
Accessed 23 September 2019
Pastor Claims Abuse at Border Patrol Checkpoint on Interstate 8
Ray Stern | April 16, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Abusive Border Patrol Agents w/ Nun Chucks at NM Checkpoint
Published on Feb 6, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Baptist pastor beaten + tazed by Border patrol - 11 stitches
Published on Apr 15, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
ACTUAL FOOTAGE Pastor Beaten & Tased by Border Patrol & DPS
Published on May 12, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
I’m Not Sure If I’m An American Citizen or Not
Published on Feb 16, 2010
Accessed 23 September 2019
Randomly Stopped and Searched for WMD's in North Texas!
Published on May 5, 2010
Accessed 23 September 2019
Police threaten to KILL Pastor over License Plate Light being Burned Out
Published on Oct 7, 2010
Accessed 23 September 2019
How Many Checkpoints in One Morning?! Welcome to the Police State!
Published on Jul 9, 2012
Accessed 23 September 2019
Citizen of Israel vs. Nazi Checkpoints
Published on Jan 16, 2013
Accessed 23 September 2019
7. Steve Anderson Arizona Breakfast Club Phoenix Arizona
Published on Apr 25, 2009
Sponsored by Freedom's Phoenix
Accessed 23 September 2019
Steve Anderson Arizona Breakfast Club 2 of 2 phoenix Arizona
Published on Apr 25, 2009
Sponsored by Freedom's Phoenix
Accessed 23 September 2019
Pastor Steven Anderson interview on Freedom's Phoenix TV
Published on Apr 19, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
8. My Journey to Libertarianville
by Marc J. Victor
Accessed 23 September 2019
Jekyll Island: A New Beginning for America
May 25, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
4409 vs The Road Pirates
Marc J. Victor
Accessed 23 September 2019
Urban Dictionary: Definition of “4409”
In the following articles, Steven Anderson is shown to not only socialize with Ernest Hancock and Jason “4409” Shelton, and other We the People types, but they also call him “friend”:
Steven Anderson's Yuma City Warrant for "Disorderly Conduct," and RP4409's Moronic Misuse of the Word "Nazi" (w/Update)
Stephen Lemons | September 3, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Pastor Steven Anderson has warrant out for his arrest
Written by Powell Gammill Date: 09-01-2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
4409 -- NAZI Checkpoint Confronted - 3
Written by Forty Four O Nine Subject: Videos by 4409
Accessed 23 September 2019
Scottsdale Arrests Photo Radar Protester, But Did Police Break His Toe, Too?
Ray Stern | August 29, 2008
Accessed 23 September 2019
9. A representative list of some of Steven Anderson’s favorite YouTube videos (note, many have been either made private or removed from YouTube by Steven Anderson):
“Passengers are NOT required to Show ID to Police!”
“Call to Benson Police Department who threaten to KILL Pastor”
“WTC 7 blew itself up out of sympathy for the twin towers.”
“How to handle a Census Worker” [Instructions on how to avoid answering all the census questions]
“Arrested over Arizona's Real I.D. Paper's Please SB1070 bill”
“NAZI Checkpoint Guards get a taste of their own medicine!”
“Customs K9 Team Deployed at Internal Immigration Checkpoint”
“(Busted) Redflex Photo Radar red light Scams on video!”
“Has agent 4409 inspected your trash?”
“Play “Know Your Rights” A Nazi Style Check Point Inside the USA,”
“DHS Checkpoint Blog Entry 9: 'Cruz' Control”
“DHS Checkpoint Blog Entry 14: Obedience Training”
10. Pastor Steven Anderson interview on Freedom's Phoenix TV
Published on Apr 19, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Jekyll Island: A New Beginning for America
May 25, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Midwifing the Militias
Heidi Beirich
Intelligence Project Director
March 02, 2010
Accessed 23 September 2019
Resist Tyranny with a "Death by a Thousand Cuts" Guerrilla Strategy
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Saturday, October 12, 2013
Accessed 23 September 2019
AR-15 Chris Broughton on the Alex Jones show - August 20th 2009
MP3 of live radio show with Alex Jones
Accessed 23 September 2019
Update on protestor with assault rifle at Obama event in Phoenix
Posted by AzBlueMeanie, August 22, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Gun-Toter From Obama Event: I, Like My Pastor, Want The President To Die
By Justin Elliott | August 31, 2009
Accessed 23 September 2019
Every Christian should own a Weapon
Published on Dec 9, 2014
Accessed 23 September 2019
Why we allow and encourage firearms at our service
Published on Nov 19, 2017
Accessed 23 September 2019
See Also:
Christian's Duty to Carry a GUN
Adam Fannin
Stedfast Jacksonville
Published on Oct 28, 2018
For other examples of Steven Anderson’s violent hatred, please see:
Pastor Steven Anderson Crazy Rants – Compilation
Surfer Brendan
Published Decemeber 16, 2015
Steven Anderson's Hatred and Railing
Christopher Johnson
Published on Mar 14, 2018
Steven Anderson's Hatred and Wrath
Christopher Johnson
Published on Mar 14, 2018
Pastor Steven Anderson Epic Rant
The Kragen Clan
Published on Jan 25, 2019
Best Pastor Steven Anderson Rants/Hard Preaching pt 3
Baptist 1611
Published on Dec 30, 2017
Pastor Steven Anderson - Jeremiah 16
Published on Jun 28, 2016