Ben goes on, “I did work for the Methodist Church BEFORE I got saved because I didn't know any better. You made it seem like I attend Stedfast Baptist Church on Wednesday and a liberal Methodist church on Sunday - this is total fiction.” Actually, Ben, I did not imply that at all. You simply inferred it, although I have no idea why you would, unless you maintain some connection with them that you are ashamed of. But I don’t understand why you would be ashamed of your affiliation with a liberal homosexual affirming church, when you continue to post that affiliation online for all to see.
Ben then writes, “If you actually looked at the dates on my resume, you'd see that I was involved with the UMC BEFORE I got involved with the New IFB.” Well, Ben, according to information that you posted online, you were involved with the United Methodist Church from January 2014 to November 2015. According to your YouTube channel, “Ben the Baptist” joined YouTube in August 2015, indicating an overlap of at least four months during which Ben the Baptist was involved with the UMC.
Ben goes on, “Grace Church is in Gainesville, Florida. Stedfast is located in Jacksonville, Florida - how could I attend churches simultaneously that are 70+ miles away from each other? Also, this is not even a secret. I've told everyone already that I used to be a liberal Methodist. When people get saved, they tend to leave false denominations.” Where did I say that you attended both churches simultaneously, Ben? No where, that’s where. But nice try at a red herring. Actually, the two churches are only 90 minutes apart, and there is nothing to indicate that you did not attend Stedfast on Sundays and Wednesday nights, while working with your liberal friends at various other times.
Ben continues, “I've openly used both Benjamin Knight AND Benjamin Naim on my YouTube channel. If I was hiding my last name, why would I do that? When I provided Bible narration for a documentary on Demon Possession (published by Stedfast Baptist Church when Donnie Romero was pastor) I used Naim.” I have look through your YouTube channel and read every bit of wording on that channel, and do not see where either name – Knight or Naim – appears anywhere. And I find it interesting that you maintain that particular video on your channel when three different well known “reprobates” (to use your word) were heavily involved in the production of that video. Does this mean they were honest, truthful and trustworthy brothers when they made that video with you, and didn’t become dishonest, lying, untrustworthy, “reprobates” until later?
Ben then writes, “I use Benjamin Naim on my Facebook page where I'm friends with many people who subscribe to my channel, including most New IFB pastors. I've openly stated that "Knight" is a pseudonym I've used because my legal name is an Arabic word that is difficult to pronounce for English speakers - Asians and Indians do this all the time when they immigrate to the West.” Come on Ben, your name is not all that difficult to pronounce, and nothing prevented you from instructing people how to pronounce it, maybe engage in a little Arab – American cultural exchange. And it seems a bit strange for someone to have not just one, but two pseudonyms. Ben the Baptist is the pseudonym of Ben Knight which is the pseudonym of Ben Naim. Your explanation seems a tad weak.
Ben goes on, “ In a video entitled "Flattery is a Wicked Manipulation Tactic" on my channel, I put the name "Ben Naim" as a lower third to identify myself. Everyone knows what my legal name is.” Ben, you published that video to YouTube on March 15, 2019, a month after I revealed that your legal name is Benjamin Naim in the comments section of the Adam Fannin video, “Righteous Indignation” posted in February 2019. Perhaps identifying yourself as “Ben ‘the Baptist’ Naim” was a form of damage control. I have not been able to find a single instance from before February 2019 where you used the name “Ben ‘the Baptist’ Naim.”
Ben then finishes his email to me by writing, “You could've called and asked me directly about my name or my prior affiliation with the Methodist church and I would have been glad to talk about it, but I guess facts don't matter when you're trying to slander people.” Yes Ben I could have simply called you and asked. However, considering your obvious bias, and your history of unchristian behavior, there is no reason to believe you would be honest regarding that subject, especially if you are/were trying to hide something.
Ben, I implore you, please leave the New IFB, and repent, and turn your life over to Christ. Live for Him, not for Steven Anderson, his New IFB, nor any other man; but rather for the King of kings and Lord of lords, who paid the penalty for your sins on the cross at Calvary. Be saved from your sin and the wrath that will come upon every unrepentant sinner.
Links for Series Articles Posted Thus Far:
Part 1a
Part 1b
Part 1c
Part 2a
Part 2b
Part 2c
Steven Anderson and the New IFB Movement -- Update #1