Then it's only fair for [Jesus] to suffer the death penalty.
And that's why humans crucified the son of God.
Or a mentally-ill pacifist who thought he was the son of God.
And he's going to come back and kill all of us.
Because he loves us.
It is easy to make statements and claims, and simply allow them to hang out there in cyberspace. But when those statements are not substantiated by anything other than the statement makers opinion, then they really do nothing more than demand an answer, and the more ridiculous the statement, the louder the demand for an accurate answer. There are two issues here in the above statement that demand an answer
The first is the idea that Jesus will return to earth for the purpose of killing everyone because He loves us. This has no basis in Scripture, and therefore no basis in truth. Scripture does say that God judges those who make the decision to reject Him and rebel against Him (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Micah 5:15, and other passages); but Scripture is also very clear that God wants everyone to come to repentance and experience eternal life with Him (2 Peter 3:9; Ezekiel 33:11, and other passages). But nowhere in Scripture does Jesus return and kill everyone. Such an idea has no basis in truth.
Was Jesus a mentally-ill pacifist who thought he was the son of God? In a word, no. The Scripture is very clear that Jesus is the Son of God. The Messiah. The Savior of the world. The Second person of the Trinity. The King of kings, the Lord of lords. God. But definitely not a “mentally-ill pacificst who thought he was the son of God.”
Of course, this answer automatically begs the question, “Just because the Bible says it, how do we know the Bible is even true?” This question has already been dealt with. Here are the links to those articles: