by Robert Tuttle, III
On March 27, 2023 a transgender man (woman to man) entered a private Christian elementary school and began opening fire on the Christians inside the school. When it was all over (are things like this ever really “over”?), three 9-year old little children had been murdered in cold-blood along with 3 adults. The shooter was killed by police. She had also fired on the police as well. A majority of the most vocal among the far-left have been shouting from the roof-tops that while it’s sad children died, the real victim was the transgender shooter, and the transgender community at large.1
On January 6, 2021, a group of people stormed the United States Capitol in an attempt to stop legislators from affirming the election (no, I don’t want to argue this here), and the far-left media lost it’s mind. On March 29, 2023, a group of far-left people stormed the Kentucky State Capitol in an attempt to stop legislators from passing a bill, and the far-left media is conspicuously silent. Not one word has been said about it. Not. One. Word.2
In December 2022, a New Jersey mother attended a “Math Night” at her 7-year old daughters elementary school. While there this mother saw several posters, seemingly drawn by small children at the school, that taught and promoted such topics as pansexuality, polysexuality, bisexuality, etc. This mother was shocked that her 7-year old little girl was being taught these things, and subsequently commented about it in her Facebook parent’s group. The post contained nothing threatening, nothing negative about anyone, but simply that she didn’t think such things should be taught and promoted in an elementary school to such young children. Almost immediately the United States military became involved, opening a multi-agency law enforcement investigation into this mother, painting her as a threat. To date, there has been no response from the military regarding the Lt. Colonel who began this investigation which included United States military security forces, state and local law enforcement agencies, other than to confirm that the investigation was being undertaken.3
How can this happen in America? I can only answer, why not in America? As with the larger Western World – i.e. Canada, and the United Kingdom, America has insisted upon, and finally achieved, the almost total elimination of objective morality in our society. And by the way, it’s actually worse in Canada and the U.K. where in both countries you can be arrested and charged for simply reading the Bible out loud4, or even just praying silently in your own mind.5 In America, because we, as a nation, have almost completely eliminated objective morality from the public square (i.e. schools, public areas, government, the home, social media, etc), and replaced with the ever-changing subjective morality of the individual, we have now become a nation, a society of people who reject the concept of thou shalt do no evil, in favor of the concept of “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” This, by the way, was the motto of the satanist Aliester Crowley. Congratulations, America. You have gone from a nation based on Judeo-Christian morality, to an all-in satanic nation.
I guess I can understand why America (and the wider Western World) has abandoned objective morality. It has because it wants, desires, can’t live without the cruelty, wickedness, gossip, slander, lies, and all manner of sexual perversion known to man that it absolutely loves to wrap itself up in, and wallow in. Smearing the filth of it all over themselves like a small toddler with a handful of poop. If you think I am wrong, go back to the beginning of this article and re-read the three incidents mentioned there, and understand that they are less than 1/10 of 1% of similar incidents happening around America and the wider Western World (i.e. Canada and the U.K.).
It has gone on for so long – at least since the beginning of the 19th century and the spawning of liberalism, communism, rationalism, and a re-birth of atheism (at the very end of the 18th century). These movements (for lack of a better term) have from their beginning pushed for the eradication of objective morality in society. Their continual push for what essentially amounts to the destruction of mankind has been long and relentless. From the early 19th century, their forced march through manipulation has taken us all on an incremental journey to the continually degrading chaos we now live in. It has been a kind of “frog-in-a-frying-pan” death that we are now seeing come to fruition.
I am not going to entertain any back and forth on the possible responsibility of any particular political party as I firmly believe both parties are responsible to one degree or another. I believe it is very simply a case of there being a vast number of people in our society, including teachers and professors from kindergarten on up through college and university; politicians, and others right down to the average man and woman who have rejected God in favor of Satan. It’s as simple as that. And because we, as a nation, have rejected God and embraced Satan in a big corporate bear hug we are now suffering the collapse of our nation. In other words, how can this happen in America? Easy. We brought it on ourselves.
Part Two is coming soon, probably tomorrow. Hope to see you there as we learn how to reverse this whole nightmare and hopefully save western civilization!
1. The internet is chock full of news and articles concerning the “Nashville School Shooting” and the “Nashville School Shooter” just do an internet search using either term and prepare to be inundated. Fair warning: don’t watch the body cam videos, they are graphic and horrifying. If you decide to look for articles and comments such as I mention, you might try this one:
Also, this just in as I am writing this, it looks as if it is happening in Tennessee as well: