Colorado Approves Discrimination Against Christians and Christianity
A man enters a bakery in Colorado and orders two cakes, shaped like Bibles, with Bible verses on them. The baker refused to bake the cakes. So the man tries another bakery and is again refused. After the third bakery and the third refusal, the man who had ordered the cakes went to the Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) to file complaints against the three bakeries because the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, makes it unlawful for any place of public accommodation to refuse service to someone based on disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry.
Refusing to make two custom cakes that are in the shape of Bibles and which have Bible passages written on them should be a violation of the law. However, the CCRD ruled that all three bakeries had the right to refuse to make the cakes because the two cakes included “derogatory language and imagery.” In this ruling, the State of Colorado has determined that an image of a Bible is “derogatory” and Bible passages are “derogatory language.” What were the Scripture verses that the State of Colorado considered “derogatory? On the first cake, “God hates sin – Psalm 45:7” and “Homosexuality is a detestable sin—Leviticus 18:22” were to be included. On the other cake, the passages to be included were, “God loves sinners” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us—Romans 5:8.” The State of Colorado considers both the exposing of sin and God's love and plan for our redemption to be derogatory.
Not too surprising coming from the state that has passed laws designed to regulate the possession or display or printing of the Bible or gospel tracts.
Denver Bakers Cleared of Bias for Refusing to Make Bible Cakes
State of Colorado Attorney General Office
A man enters a bakery in Colorado and orders two cakes, shaped like Bibles, with Bible verses on them. The baker refused to bake the cakes. So the man tries another bakery and is again refused. After the third bakery and the third refusal, the man who had ordered the cakes went to the Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) to file complaints against the three bakeries because the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, makes it unlawful for any place of public accommodation to refuse service to someone based on disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry.
Refusing to make two custom cakes that are in the shape of Bibles and which have Bible passages written on them should be a violation of the law. However, the CCRD ruled that all three bakeries had the right to refuse to make the cakes because the two cakes included “derogatory language and imagery.” In this ruling, the State of Colorado has determined that an image of a Bible is “derogatory” and Bible passages are “derogatory language.” What were the Scripture verses that the State of Colorado considered “derogatory? On the first cake, “God hates sin – Psalm 45:7” and “Homosexuality is a detestable sin—Leviticus 18:22” were to be included. On the other cake, the passages to be included were, “God loves sinners” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us—Romans 5:8.” The State of Colorado considers both the exposing of sin and God's love and plan for our redemption to be derogatory.
Not too surprising coming from the state that has passed laws designed to regulate the possession or display or printing of the Bible or gospel tracts.
Denver Bakers Cleared of Bias for Refusing to Make Bible Cakes
State of Colorado Attorney General Office