Universalist, Signs & Wonders Charismatic,
Teaches a False Gospel
May Dupree is more commonly known as “Dr. May DuPree” and “Mother May DuPree.” May DuPree is the pastor of Lighthouse Fellowship Prayer Tower in Ottawa Lake, Michigan. According to the church website “salvation and a personal experience with Jesus are essential for eternal life.” Of course, God’s Word has a completely different criteria for eternal life. All that is biblically necessary is a true and sincere belief in Jesus Christ (Rom.10:9), a heartfelt agreement that Jesus is your Lord (meaning Master, Owner, etc) (Rom.10:10), and repentance of sin (Mark 1:15). It goes without saying that a true and sincere belief in Jesus Christ is marked by submission and obedience to Jesus, His commands, and the commands of God. Scripture makes this very clear.
The church website also presents the “vision” of “Pastor” May DuPree. Rather than obedience to the commands of Jesus, particularly the command of Matthew 28:18-20, also known as the “Great Commission.” With the primary purpose of worshiping God and bringing Him glory, and that followed closely by making disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; one would think these would constitute a Christian pastor’s “vision.” But not May DuPree. Her “vision” is to “provide food, clothing, job-training, day-care services” and otherwise “meet the natural needs of the community.” She believes this is how “we are to show the love of Christ to a world in crisis.”
May DuPree believes in and teaches the heresy of “Universalism,” that Christ atoned for the sins of every single person alive and who would later be alive, thus everyone goes to heaven, and no one goes to hell. This goes hand in hand with her belief of what is necessary for eternal life.
The church’s website bio of May DuPree states, “The Power of God rests on Dr. May DuPree's life so strongly that at times saints are overcome and slain in the Spirit during the services. Being slain in the Spirit is one thing, but the change in the lives of those moved by the Spirit is the real proof of God's transforming Power working in her life. Lighthouse is a place where the Power of God has free reign in the services to move on his people. Deliverance from demonic influences, habits and even lifelong addictions have been taking place by the power of God. People are being healed from diseases, back problems, blindness and in one case a woman that died on the services was raised by the prayers of the anointed servant of God.”
The website also states that “in 1990, Mother DuPree graduated from New Life Bible College in Cleveland, Tennessee,” which is a “ministry” started by Rev. Norvel Hayes. In looking at their school website, under the f.a.q. “what kind of degree or diploma can I receive at New Life Bible College,” it is revealed that there are only three possible. The first is a “Certificate of Completion” after completing two years of study. Next is an Associate Degree in Christian Ministry after successfully completing three years of the Ministerial Degree Program, and third, a Bachelors Degree in Christian Ministry after successfully completing the full four year Ministerial Degree Program. New Life Bible College does have a doctoral program. If one has served for at least 5 years as a minister, and pay $4,000, you can be issued a “Doctorate of Ministry.” Now, granted, she could have an honorary doctorate degree, but she would first had to have had a Master’s Degree, which she doesn’t have. And she may have bought her doctorate. Either way her title of “Dr.” is very likely fraudulent.
The church website also presents the “vision” of “Pastor” May DuPree. Rather than obedience to the commands of Jesus, particularly the command of Matthew 28:18-20, also known as the “Great Commission.” With the primary purpose of worshiping God and bringing Him glory, and that followed closely by making disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; one would think these would constitute a Christian pastor’s “vision.” But not May DuPree. Her “vision” is to “provide food, clothing, job-training, day-care services” and otherwise “meet the natural needs of the community.” She believes this is how “we are to show the love of Christ to a world in crisis.”
May DuPree believes in and teaches the heresy of “Universalism,” that Christ atoned for the sins of every single person alive and who would later be alive, thus everyone goes to heaven, and no one goes to hell. This goes hand in hand with her belief of what is necessary for eternal life.
The church’s website bio of May DuPree states, “The Power of God rests on Dr. May DuPree's life so strongly that at times saints are overcome and slain in the Spirit during the services. Being slain in the Spirit is one thing, but the change in the lives of those moved by the Spirit is the real proof of God's transforming Power working in her life. Lighthouse is a place where the Power of God has free reign in the services to move on his people. Deliverance from demonic influences, habits and even lifelong addictions have been taking place by the power of God. People are being healed from diseases, back problems, blindness and in one case a woman that died on the services was raised by the prayers of the anointed servant of God.”
The website also states that “in 1990, Mother DuPree graduated from New Life Bible College in Cleveland, Tennessee,” which is a “ministry” started by Rev. Norvel Hayes. In looking at their school website, under the f.a.q. “what kind of degree or diploma can I receive at New Life Bible College,” it is revealed that there are only three possible. The first is a “Certificate of Completion” after completing two years of study. Next is an Associate Degree in Christian Ministry after successfully completing three years of the Ministerial Degree Program, and third, a Bachelors Degree in Christian Ministry after successfully completing the full four year Ministerial Degree Program. New Life Bible College does have a doctoral program. If one has served for at least 5 years as a minister, and pay $4,000, you can be issued a “Doctorate of Ministry.” Now, granted, she could have an honorary doctorate degree, but she would first had to have had a Master’s Degree, which she doesn’t have. And she may have bought her doctorate. Either way her title of “Dr.” is very likely fraudulent.